
Tuesday 2 December 2014

Seo Agency in London - Please visit our website for more information about our affordable seo services in london.

Seo Agency in London - Please visit our website for more information about our affordable seo services in london.

Monday 7 April 2014

Future of Modern Sustainable Web Design

You probably are aware of terms like sustainable economy, agriculture, design etc. It means protecting environmental resources for the future generations.
But what could that mean for web design?
Well, you must know that the Internet consumes lots of energy, having a huge carbon footprint. 830 million tons of carbon dioxide are produced each year for supporting the web. 40% of this amount is imputable to web designers.

Web Design in London

What Is the Problem?

The problem is that enormous resources are pointlessly consumed. For instance, while surfing the web, you certainly encounter lots of inactive websites. This means a waste of web space and, thus, energy. Why not give them up or sell them?
But, there is more. High-resolution images, complex visual effects, are they absolutely necessary? If they are not, why not choose an alternative?
Minimalism is the key feature of sustainable web design. It does not mean dull websites, but just transmitting your information with a minimal resource waste. Keep things simple!
You will see that this also means more success. Using large file formats slows down your website. This does not mean just pointless energy consumption, but it is also bothering for your visitors.
Another idea is to have an increased interactivity. While you are setting up a website for a certain company, give them the opportunity to edit part of the content by themselves. Nowadays, there are many user-friendly tools for non-designers. This means a quicker response to various changes. Your client could eliminate unnecessary, space-consuming files much easier by using such tools.

How Much Pollution a Website Causes?

Here are some facts:
  • According to a 2008 study, 13 kWh are needed to transmit 1 GB. With a bit more than 1 pound of carbon dioxide equivalent released per kWh (average values for UK power plants), this means 13 lbs of CO2.
  • Mobile data transmission, with the new 3G and 4G technologies, is even more polluting. 77 lbs of CO2 are released for each gigabyte.
  • This means that, if one million people download a typical webpage, between 10 and 50 tons of CO2 are released into the atmosphere.
  • These numbers go up and down, depending on the local power source. Think how much any web design company, London or Birmingham-based contributes to atmospheric pollution.


The first, obvious solution is to drop some of the unnecessary images or use smaller formats. About 63% of the space used by an average website is taken by images. Use less resource-consuming script. With plain HTML, you save 12% space. Carefully choose your content: use images instead of videos, or even better, use text whenever you can.
Carousels, sharing buttons, maps, auto-play-videos, Flash, etc. are incredibly resource consuming. Use them only if strictly needed. Use CSS sprites or icons to make images more responsive for mobile users.
Finally, have you ever thought of green hosting? If you work in web design or SEO, London, Manchester or Birmingham would probably be the first locations you would target. But what if you moved to an area with a higher renewable energy production? This does not have to mean Iceland! Scotland and other areas with high hydroelectric, nuclear or wind power production will do.

For Quality web design services visit  @

Thursday 20 March 2014

Effective Social Media Strategy for Businesses

No matter what your business is all about, having a good marketing strategy is essential. If you own a countryside farm in the Highlands, a company offering SEO services, London-based, or maybe a large industrial enterprise, you definitely need to promote your products and services.
The new advancements in online social media bring new marketing opportunities you should take advantage of, especially since you certainly want to leave your competition behind. But, keep in mind that just being on Facebook does not mean automatic success. You definitely need a proper strategy.
SEO london

Advantages of Social Media Marketing

Facebook has about 1.1 billion users. Twitter has half a billion, and their number is constantly increasing. This means a huge possible audience. Social media also allows more interactivity. You are always in touch with your clients. Not to mention that finding professionals to hire in your enterprise is much easier (as it is for job seekers to find you). Finally, you do not need big investments to promote your company on social media.

Tips for Successful Social Media Marketing

According to several top specialists in wsinnovativesolutions, London and UK entrepreneurs in search for an effective marketing strategy should:
  • Have a clear message – something that is easy to understand for potential clients and properly reflects your range of products and services. Depending on that message, you may choose the appropriate way to deliver it.
  • Communicating with your clients takes time, so you should allocate a sufficient amount of it. Maybe not 30%, as the famous “70/30 rule” says, but social media marketing is not accomplished by itself. Always update your content with new and attractive things. As mentioned above, this field is highly competitive.
  • Properly choose your social networks. Your first idea is, probably, to promote your enterprise on the most widely used ones. But, while the number of users is, without doubt, important, think where your target audience is. Any social network has its own group of users, with certain interests, education etc. See where your potential clients fit best. And one more thing, choosing a certain network also depends on the type of content you wish to load. For instance, some networks are much more suitable for video content than others.
  • See what your most popular product or service is. Make it the flagship of your enterprise and give it its own voice on social media. It is a simple strategy that has proven useful for many business owners.
  • Be patient. Your enterprise’s visibility does not grow overnight. Start with small things. Focus on some small things that are most likely to draw interest from your potential clients.
  • Provide interactivity. You have certainly noticed how many people love reality shows. That is because they like to be part of it. Once in a while, give them insights of your company. It may be something just as easy as a video tour of your store/farm/office. Let them see how you and your employees work and make them feel that they are also part of your enterprise.
  • Look for inspiration. This does not mean just copying others’ solutions, but you may get good marketing ideas from successful companies.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Do the Search Engines Produce Higher Traffic than the Social Media?

This is a frequently heard question. If you own a business website, you obviously want to bring lots of traffic to it. So, which option is better: investing in social media optimisation or in search engine optimisation services? 

The answer is a bit more complicated than just “invest in both”, but that is the main idea. Your potential customers use both means, and the social media and the search engines have an intricate relationship. 

Search Engine Optimisation

Life without the Search Engines

In 2011, an event that showed the power of the search engines occurred. It was something close to a search engine apocalypse: a major change in Google’s search algorithm (the “Panda Update”) made lots of websites lose their keyword rankings. 

The effect was devastating. Lots of online businesses lost visibility overnight, also losing sales and revenues. Recovery was slow or impossible without significant investments. 

The shock was even greater for search engine optimization contractors. In terms of SEO services, London experts recount, this event had dramatic consequences, with many contractors losing clients overnight, due to their perceived inability to deal with the problem. 

The “Panda Update” and its consequences showed the power the search engines have. With all the available alternatives, being there, on the first places in the search engine results pages, makes the difference between a successful online business and one that barely survives or goes bankrupted.

 But, the other thing the event showed, is that being totally dependent on them is not good either, and a solution to avoid this dependency seems to be the social media. 

Unfortunately, social networking platforms may also play such tricks on their users. For instance, a change in the Facebook Page design brought lots of unwanted costs to enterprises needing to change their pages to comply with the new rules. 


As you may have noticed, the search engines are incorporating more and more social media features in their ranking algorithm. Think of the Google +1 function or of the social media updates incorporated in the search process by many search engines, including Google and Bing. And the relationship is reciprocal, meta descriptions and titles, for instance, being now visible to social media. 

Customer Preferences

The most important issue here is what your potential clients use the most. Think of whether your target group is made of mostly social media or search engine users. They probably use both. 

 When they are looking for a certain service or product, most people do some research using a search engine. They find online businesses this way, and this is why investing in search engines optimisation services should always be a priority. 

But, many of them also check if you are present on the social media networks, how many followers your have and what your buyers have to say about you, social media prominence becoming more and more of a necessity as well. 

So, social media optimization is always a good idea. Try to focus on the networks mostly used by your target group, so that you do not waste time and resources. Create attractive content and try to make a good impression. 

Combining search engines and social media optimization is the best way to reach out to all your target customers and convince them to buy from you. 
For best service at affordable price visit @